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The PetFix Story


Since PetFix Northeast Ohio launched its low-cost spay/neuter services in 2006, we have performed more than 130,000 surgeries, preventing the births of hundreds of thousands of pets destined to end up in area shelters or struggling to survive on the streets alone. We have also helped thousands of people who struggle to put food on the table, enjoy all the benefits and joys of having pets without worrying about litters they cannot afford to care for. Since our low surgery fees cover only about 70% of our costs, we raise the remaining funding to do this important work through donations and foundation grants.

After two years of research into programs across the country and with the help of an advisory board and two regional conferences that brought representatives from animal welfare and the veterinary communities together, the PetFix Plan was formed. The result was a decision to begin with a mobile clinic. PetFix took possession of a new 33’ surgery on wheels and began routine operation in January 2006. In 2011, when it became clear that the mobile clinic was about to reach capacity, the board launched a yearlong strategic planning process, which culminated in the decision to open an ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance model stationary clinic in Euclid to serve Northeast Ohio. The board launched a successful campaign to raise $500,000 and the stationary clinic was open for business on July 17, 2013.

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In June 2015, the decision was made to retire the aging mobile clinic and replace it with a full-time transport program. This transition allowed for the most effective use of resources, while also giving PetFix the opportunity to reach even more areas in need of affordable services. To help us get the word out in these underserved areas, we work with reliable community partners who can help provide grassroots outreach.

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In August 2016, we received a $33,000 expansion grant from the ASPCA to help equip our clinic for a second full-time surgical team. With additional kennels, a fully outfitted surgery suite and more, we were ready to bring on a second veterinarian and RVT to significantly ramp up our capacity for spay/neuter! In 2024 we performed 11,255 surgeries. Our highest number ever! 


By making spay/neuter surgeries affordable and accessible to pet owners, feral cat caregivers, shelters, rescues, and animal control agencies placing animals for adoption, we believe we can play a major role in making Northeast Ohio a region where every cat and dog born has a safe place to live.


We Can Fix This!

PetFix Northeast Ohio

885 E. 222nd St., Euclid, OH 44123


Phone: (216) 732-7040

Fax: (216) 274-9588


Clinic Hours

Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 4:30pm

​​Sat - Sun: Closed

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